Who sits on the throne, Allah, Gabriel or Iblis


Allah's "THRONE" is upon "WATER"
Quran 11:7 - And it is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days...and His THRONE had been upon WATER.


Jami` at-Tirmidhi (3109) Vol. 5, Book of Tafsir Of The Qur'an, Hadith 3109
Narrated Waki' bin Hudus: from his uncle Abu Razin who said: "I said: 'O Messenger of Allah! Where was our
Lord before He created His creation?' He said: 'He was (above) the clouds - no air was under him, no air was
above him, and He created His THRONE upon the WATER.'" Classification: Hasan (Good)
SOURCE: https://muflihun.com/tirmidhi/46/3109


Sunan Ibn Majah (182) Book of Purification and its Sunnah Hadith 182
Waki' bin Hudus narrated that his paternal uncle Abu Razin said: "I said: 'O Messenger of Allah, where was our Lord
before He created His creation?' He said: He was above the clouds, below which was air, and above which was air
and water. Then He created His Throne above the water.'" Classification Hasan (Good) [Darussalam]
SOURCE: https://amrayn.com/ibnmajah:182


Sahih Muslim (161a), Vol. 1, Book of Faith (Kitab Al-Iman), Hadith 304
Jabir b. 'Abdullah al-Ansari who was one of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah reported The Messenger of
Allah told about the intermission of revelation and narrated While I was walking I heard a voice from the sky, and
raising my head I saw the ANGEL who had come to me in Hira', sitting on a THRONE between heaven and earth
Classification: Sahih (Authentic), SOURCE: https://muflihun.com/muslim/1/304


Sahih Muslim (161d), Vol. 1, Book of Faith (Kitab Al-Iman), Hadith 307
Yahya reported: I asked Abu Salama what was revealed first from the Qur'an. He said:" O, the shrouded one." I said:
Or" Recite." Jabir said: I am narrating to you what was narrated to us by the Messenger of Allah . He said: I stayed
in Hira' for one month and when my stay was completed, I come down and went into the heart of the valley.
Somebody called me aloud. I looked in front of me, behind me, on the right of my side and on my left, but I did
not see any body. was again called and I looked about but saw nothing. I was called again and raised my head,
and there on the THRONE in the open atmosphere he, i. e. Gabriel (peace be upon him) was sitting.
Classification: Sahih (Authentic), SOURCE: https://muflihun.com/muslim/1/307


Isaiah 14:12 - “How art thou fallen from heaven, O LUCIFER, son of the morning!...
Isaiah 14:13 - “For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:
Isaiah 14:14 - “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”


Sahih Muslim (2813a), Vol. 7, Book of Characteristics of the Day of Judgement, Paradise and Hell, Hadith 675
Jabir reported: I heard Allah's Messenger as saying: The THRONE of IBLIS is upon the ocean...
Classification: Sahih (Authentic), SOURCE: https://muflihun.com/muslim/39/6754


Jami` at-Tirmidhi Book of Al-Fitan Hadith 2247
So the Prophet said: 'I believe in Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, and the Last Day.' Then the Prophet
said to him: 'What do you see?' He said: 'I see a throne above the water.' So the Prophet said: 'He sees the throne
of Iblis above the sea.' Classification: Sahih (Authentic), SOURCE: https://amrayn.com/tirmidhi:2247


Sahih Muslim Vol. 7, Book of Characteristics of the Day of Judgement, Paradise and Hell, Hadith 6755
Jabir reported that Messenger of Allah said: Iblis places his throne upon water;...
Classification: Sahih (Authentic), SOURCE: https://amrayn.com/muslim:2813b


Sahih Muslim (2925), Vol. 7, Book of Tribulations and Portents of the Last Hour, Hadith 6992
Abu Sa'id reported that Messenger of Allah met him (Ibn Sayyad) and so did Abu Bakr and 'Umar on some of the
roads of Medina. Messenger of Allah said: Do you bear testimony to the fact that I am the Messenger of Allah?
Thereupon he said: Do you bear testimony to the fact that I am the messenger of Allah? Thereupon Messenger
of Allah said: I affirm my faith in Allah and in His Angels and in His Books,...what do you see? He said: I see the
THRONE over WATER. Where upon Messenger of Allah said: You see the THRONE [of] Iblis upon the water, and
Classification: Sahih (Authentic), SOURCE: https://muflihun.com/muslim/41/6992