Dhul-Quarnain "Possessor of TWO Horns" (8 Verses)
Quran 18:83 - And they ask you, [O Muhammad], about Dhul-Qarnayn. Say, "I will recite to you about him a report.
Quran 18:86 - Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it [as if] setting in a spring of dark mud, and he
found near it a people. Allah said, "O Dhul-Qarnayn, either you punish [them] or else adopt among them goodness."
Quran 18:93 - Until, when he reached [a pass] between two mountains, he found beside them a people...
Quran 18:94 - They said, "O Dhul-Qarnayn, indeed Gog and Magog are [great] corrupters in the land.
So may we assign for you an expenditure that you might make between us and them a barrier?"
Quran 18:95 - He said, "That in which my Lord has established me is better [than what you offer], but assist me
with strength; I will make between you and them a dam.
Quran 18:96 - Bring me sheets of iron" - until, when he had levelled [them] between the two mountain walls, he
said, "Blow," until when he had made it [like] fire, he said, "Bring me, that I may pour over it molten copper."
Quran 18:97 - So Gog and Magog were unable to pass over it, nor were they able [to effect] in it any penetration.
Quran 18:98 - [Dhul-Qarnayn] said, "This is a mercy from my Lord; but when the promise of my Lord comes,
He will make it level, and ever is the promise of my Lord true."
The Koran - George Sale, (1734), Chapter XVIII, "The Cave", Page 294
(ref: 18:98) Footnote: 1 - Or the TWO HORNED...the person meant here to be is Alexander the Great...
SOURCE: Coran 12-21. Traductions du Coran en Europe, XIIe-XXIe siècles (quran12-21.org)
The Greek Alexander Romance - Translated by Richard Stoneman (1991), Penguin Classics
Supplement J: THE UNCLEAN NATIONS (p185-p187) (reference: Book III, Chapter 26a, page 145)
Some of the enemy Alexander's men killed, others they pursued northwards for fifty days, until they came to two
mountains in the unseen world, which they called Breasts of the North. When they got there, Alexander stopped
pursuing them. He saw that the two mountains would be suitable for closing up their exit, so he stayed there
and prayed to God to help him close up the mountains to keep them out. He stood and prayed as follows:
'God of gods, lord of all creation, who made all things by your Word, both heaven and earth. Nothing is
impossible for you, all things are slaves to the word of your command. You spoke and they were created, you
commanded and it was done. You alone are eternal, supreme, invisible, sole god, and there is no other but
you. Through your name and your will, I have done what you wished, and you have placed the whole world
in my hands. I call now upon your name that is so often praised: fulfil this request of mine and cause these
mountains to come together, as I have asked of you, and do not look askance at me, wretched as I am, who
have so bold as to speak in this way. I know you care for me and your supreme goodness.' Immediately the
mountains came together, though they had previously been 18 feet apart. When Alexander saw what had
happened, he praised God. Then he built bronze gates, fixed them in the narrow between the two mountains
and oiled them. The nature of the oil was such that it could not be burned by fire nor dislodged by iron.
Within the gates, stretching back to the open country [for a distance of 3,000 miles] he planted brambles,
which he watered well so they formed a dense mane over mountains. So Alexander shut in the twenty-two
kings with their subject nations behind the northern boundries - behind the gates he called Caspian (139)
and the mountains known as known as the Breasts. These are the names of those nations: Goth, Magoth...
These were the nations that dwelt behind the gates that King Alexander built so as to be indestructible.
Gog and Magog - From Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia
The legend of Gog and Magog and the gates were also interpolated into the Alexander Romance. In one version,
"Goth and Magoth" are kings of the Unclean Nations, driven beyond a mountain pass by Alexander, and blocked
from returning by his new wall. Gog and Magog are said to engage in human cannibalism in the romances and derived
literature. They have also been depicted on Medieval cosmological maps, or mappae mundi, sometimes alongside
Alexander's wall. The conflation of Gog and Magog with the legend of Alexander and the Iron Gates was disseminated throughout the Near East in the early centuries of the Christian and Islamic era. They appear in the Quran in
chapter Al-Kahf as Yajuj and Majuj (Arabic: يَأْجُوجُ وَمَأْجُوجُ; Yaʾjūj wa-Maʾjūj), primitive and immoral tribes that were
separated and barriered off by Dhul-Qarnayn (possessor of the Two Horns), who is mentioned in the Quran as a
great righteous ruler and conqueror. SOURCE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gog_and_Magog
Gates of Alexander - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Gates of Alexander was a legendary barrier supposedly built by Alexander the Great in the Caucasus to keep the
uncivilized barbarians of the north (typically associated with Gog and Magog) from invading the land to the south.
The gates were a popular subject in medieval travel literature, starting with the Alexander Romance in a version
from perhaps the 7th century. The wall, also known as the Caspian Gates, has been identified with two locations:
the Pass of Derbent, Russia, or with the Pass of Dariel, a gorge forming a pass between Russia and Georgia with the
Caspian Sea to the east. Tradition also connects it to the Great Wall of Gorgan (Red Snake) on its south-eastern shore.
SOURCE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gates_of_Alexander
The Antichrist and Gog and Magog, By Maulana Muhammad 'Ali'. (Page 5, footnote 7).
Dhul-Quarnain, literally means the two horned one but it also may mean one whose rules extends over two
generations or the lord of two kingdoms. This last significance is given by the great commentator, Ibn Jarir.
In the Old Testament, Book of Daniel, we find a vision of Daniel, in which he saw a ram with two horns. The
vision is interpreted in the book itself in these words. "The ram which thou sawest having tow horns are the
kings of MEDIA and PERSIA" (Daniel 8:20). Among the kings of Media and Persia, Darius I (521-485 B.C.) is the
only one whom the description suitably applies. The Jewish encyclopedia says: Darius was the organiser of the
Persian empire. His conquests serve to round out the boundries of his realm in Armenia, the Causasus and
India and along the Turanian Steppes and the highland of central Asia.
SOURCE: https://www.aaiil.org/text/books/mali/gog/antichristgogmagog.pdf
Daniel 8:4 - “I saw the ram pushing westward, and northward, and southward; so that no beasts might stand before
him, neither was there any that could deliver out of his hand; but he did according to his will, and became GREAT.”
Daniel 8:5 - “And as I was considering, behold, an he GOAT came from the WEST on the face of the whole earth,
and touched not the ground: and the goat had a notable horn between his eyes.”
Daniel 8:6 - “And he came to the ram that had TWO HORNS, which I had seen standing before the river,
and ran unto him in the fury of his power.”
Daniel 8:7 - “And I saw him come close unto the ram, and he was moved with choler against him, and smote
the ram, and brake his two horns: and there was no power in the ram to stand before him, but he cast him
down to the ground, and stamped upon him: and there was none that could deliver the ram out of his hand.”
Daniel 8:21 - “And the rough goat is the KING of GRECIA: and the great horn...between his eyes is the first king.”
The Antichrist and Gog and Magog, By Maulana Muhammad 'Ali'. (Page 6, footnote 12).
The barrier or wall referred to here is the famous wall of Derbent (or Darband), which is to be found on the shore
of the Caspian Sea. There is a mention of it in "Marasid al-Ittila" a famous book of geography. Ibn al-Farqih also
mentions it in his book. The Encyclopedia Biblica gives the following account of the wall: "Derbent or Darband, a
town of Persia, Caucasia, in the province of Dagistan, on the western shore of the Caspian ... to the south lies the
seaward extremity of the Caucasian wall, 50 miles long otherwise known as Alexander's Wall ...This when entire,
had a height of 29 ft, and a thickness of about 10 feet and within its iron gates and numerous watch towers...
SOURCE: https://www.aaiil.org/text/books/mali/gog/antichristgogmagog.pdf
FACT: Alexander the Great had a helmet with TWO Horns:
SOURCE: https://www.ancientsculpturegallery.com/alexander-the-great-helmet.html
FACT: The "coin" that had the profile of Alexander, with a HORN at the side of his head.
Silver tetra-drachm of Alexander the Great shown wearing the horns of the ram-god Zeus-Ammon.
SOURCE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theories_about_Alexander_the_Great_in_the_Quran
In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great by Michael Wood, BBC, 2001.
Page 10, Bottom Image "coin" (c) British Museum,
Page 11 - 'Two Horned Alexander' on a silver coin of 300 BC,
wearing the diadem and the rams horns of the Egyptian god Ammon.
Gog and Magog in "Christian legends"
In the Syriac Christian legends, Alexander the Great encloses the Gog and Magog horde behind a mighty gate
between two mountains, preventing Gog and Magog from invading the Earth. In addition, it is written in the
Christian legend that in the end times God will cause the Gate of Gog and Magog to be destroyed, allowing
the Gog and Magog horde to ravage the Earth;
SOURCE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gog_and_Magog
SOURCE: https://muflihun.com/search/hadith?q=%22Gog%20and%20Magog%22&p=1&d=&s=&fts=0
The Lord spake by the hand of the angel, [saying] ...The gate of the north shall be opened on the day of the end
of the world, and on that day shall evil go forth on the wicked ... The earth shall quake and this door [gate] which
thou [Alexander] hast made be opened ... and anger with fierce wrath shall rise up on mankind and the earth ...
shall be laid waste ... And the nations that is within this gate shall be roused up, and also the host of Agog and the
peoples of Magog [Gog and Magog] shall be gathered together. These peoples, the fiercest of all creatures.
SOURCE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_the_Great_in_the_Quran#Gog_and_Magog
SOURCE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_the_Great_in_the_Quran#Budge1889
E. A. W. Budge (translator), ed. (1889). "A Discourse Composed by Mar Jacob upon Alexander, the Believing King,
and upon the Gate which he made against Gog and Magog," in The History of Alexander the Great Being, the Syriac
Version of the Pseudo-Callisthenes (in Syriac).
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