Sela references?
Google Translate: English = Rock, Hebrew = ٌىٍ (Sela) so it is a DESCRIPTION not a NAME.
Google Translate: English = Stone, Greek = נפסב (Petra)
Google Translate: English = Rock, Arabic = صخر (Sakhr)
Isaiah 42:11 - “Let the wilderness and the cities thereof lift up their voice, the villages that KEDAR doth inhabit:
let the inhabitants of the ROCK* sing, let them shout from the top of the mountains.” - KJV, BST
(* Other Bible translations substitute ROCK for "SELA" = NIV, NLT, ESV, BSB)
Pulpit Commentary: (Isaiah 42:11)
The wilderness and the cities thereof. The desert had its cities, built on some more or less fertile oases, where at
any rate water was procurable. Instances of such cities are Tudmor, Petra, Kadesh (Numbers 20:1). Its villages were
probably collections of tents, which were moved from time to time, since the Beni-Kedar were nomads (ch. 21:16;
Psalm 120:5). The call is upon both the stationary and the wandering inhabitants of the Syro-Arabian desert to join in
the song of praise. The inhabitants of the rock; rather, the inhabitants of SELA, or PETRA, the ROCK-city, which was
the capital of Idumaea, or Edom (see the comment on ch. 16. l).
It is assumed that the return of the Israelites to their land ought to be a subject of rejoicing to all their neighbours.
Judges 1:36 - “And the coast of the Amorites was from the going up to Akrabbim, from THE ROCK, and upward.”
2 Kings 14:7 - “He slew of EDOM in the valley of salt ten thousand, and took SELAH by war, and called the name
of it Joktheel unto this day.”
1 Chronicles 18:12 - “Moreover Abishai the son of Zeruiah slew of the Edomites in the valley of salt...”
2 Chronicles 25:11 -- “And Amaziah strengthened himself, and led forth his people, to the valley of salt,...
Psalms 60:1 - "..., when Joab returned, and smote of Edom in the valley of salt
Isaiah 16:1 - “Send the lamb to the ruler of the land from Sela..., to the mount of the daughter of Zion.”
Jeremiah 21:13 - “Behold, I am against thee, O inhabitant of the valley, and ROCK of the plain,...
Jeremiah 48:28 - “O ye that dwell in Moab, leave the cities, and dwell in THE ROCK,...
Jeremiah 49:16 - “...O thou that dwellest in the clefts of the ROCK,...
Commentary for Jeremiah 49
Prophecies relative to the Ammonites. (1-6) The Edomites. (7-22)
Sahih al-Bukhari (1013), Vol. 2, Book of Dua' for Rain (Istisqaa), Hadith 126
Narrated Sharik bin 'Abdullah bin Abi Namir: Anas added, "By Allah, we could not see any trace of cloud in the sky
and there was no building or a house between us and (the mountains of) Sila." Anas added,
"A heavy cloud like a shield appeared from behind it (i.e. SILA' Mountain) Classification: Sahih (Authentic)
Sahih al-Bukhari (2304), Vol. 3, Book of Business by Proxy, Hadith 500
Narrated Ibn Ka'b bin Malik from his father: We had some sheep which used to graze at SALA'. ...
Classification: Sahih (Authentic), and
Life Application Bible, NIV, Kingsway Publications, 1992
* Page 624 - 2Kings 14:7 [Footnote 'f'] SELA was the ancient stronghold of PETRA, a city carved into the rock cliff,
it was NOT only a stronghold for EDOM, but a outpost [in] India.
* Page 1188 - Isaiah 16:2 [footnote 'b' 16:1ff] ...SELA which lay in the country of EDOM in the south.
ATS Bible Dictionary
"SELA" The name of a place mentioned in 2 Kings 14:7, where it is said that Amaziah king of Judah slew ten thousand
men of Edom, in the valley of Salt, and took SELA by war, and called the name of it JOKTHEEL, subdued by God.
SELA, in Hebrew, signifies, a ROCK, and answers to the Greek word PETRA;
Collins Gem, Dictionary of The Bible by Rev James Dow (1992)
* Page 528 - "SELA" - a "cliff" or a "crag" - Judges 1:36, 2 Kings 14:7.
The New Lion Encyclopedia of the Bible (1998)
* Page 299 - Part 7: Rapid Factfinder: SELA = Capital of EDOM, the name means "rock" or "cliff"...
Readers Digest - Atlas of the Bible (1981)
* Page 45 - Biblical sites in the Holy Land (Map) "Sela", Grid Reference: N7.
* Page 127 - Under the Assyrian Sword (Map) [Green line] - Conquest of EDOM by Amaziah (No 10 - Sela).
* Page 236 - Gazetteer of the Bible World - SELA - Fortress city and capital of Edom.
Universal Bible Dictionary by Rev A.R Buckland & Rev A Lukyn Williams (1954)
* Page 263 - Yokthe'el - 2. The name given my Amaziah to the cliff (Sela) Edomite stronghold, 2K14:7, 2 Ch 25:11.
* Page 433 - SELA / SELAH - the capital city of the Edomites.
The Comprehensive Bible Concordance (1846).
* Page 222 - SELA, a rock. 2 Kings.14:7, Isaiah 16:1.
Strongs Exhaustive Concordance - Complete and Unbridged (1981) by James Strong.
* Page 549 - Joktheel (See also Selah).
* Page 900 - Selah (Se'lah) See also JOKTHEEL (5554, 5553)
* Page 83 - (Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary) 5554 - Cela, Seh'lah the rock city of Idumaea
Story of the Bible - Volume One - Pages 1 - 796
* Page 2 - Map: Sela (Petra)
* Page 166 - Illustration image: The site of Petra,...fifty miles due south of the Dead Sea, and in the Arabian
Mountains of Seir, its Biblical name is Sela, the Rock.
* Page 180 - MAP: Southern Palestine and Sinai.
* Page 181 - MAP: Petra (? Sela)
* Page 438 - "Valley of Salt" (Edom)
Story of the Bible - Volume Two - Pages 797 - 1592
* Page 822 - "Obadiah" - EDOM, the Idumea of the New Testament, was situated to the south of
the Dead Sea, and adjoined the kingdom of Moab. A mountainous region, it consisted largely of
the range of the Mount Seir, and of a plateau on the west side of the Arabah, its chief city was SELA,
the PETRA of later days... The book opens with the prediction of the destruction of Edom. For centuries
the Edomites had prided themselves upon the impregnability of their fortresses in the rocks of SELA,...
* Index, Page 1589 - Se'la = Se'lah; Rock, Biblical Petra in p166, p180 - Chief city of Edom.
Candle Atlas of the Bible (2004) By Tim Dowley
* Page 39 - The Campaign of David, MAP: SELA.
Oxford Dictionary of the Bible (1997) By W.R.F Browning
* Page 291 - PETRA, capital of EDOM, probably the SELA of the OT (2 Kings 14:7)
The Oxford companion to the Bible (1993)
* Bible Maps: Map 2: Coord: U2 = SELA, Map 6: Coord: G4 = Sela.
King James Bible (Online):
"=Se'lah, rock, the capital of Edom, situated in the great valley" extending from the Dead Sea to the Red Sea
(2 Kings 14:7). It "was near Mount Hor, close by the desert of Zin. It is called" the rock (Judg. 1:36). When Amaziah
took it he called it Joktheel (q.v.) It is mentioned by the prophets (Isa. 16:1; Obad. 1:3) as doomed to destruction.
"It appears in later history and in the Vulgate Version under the "name of Petra".
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1915)(online)
* Page 2713 - SELA, translates lit "rock"...always refers to capital of Edom...
The Illustrated Bible Dictionary by M.G.Easton (1989)
* Page 611 - Se'la = Se'lah - Rock - the capital of Edom.
Easton's Dictionary of the Bible, Version 2.0 By M.G.Easton (1996, 1997).
* Page 166 - SELA = Se'lah, rock, the capital of Edom.
The Penguin Shorter: Atlas of the Bible, By Luc H. Gollenberg (year ?).
* Page 193 - (Plate 52) is considerable to be the site of the Edomite capital SELA (the name means
ROCK, as does PETRA).
Smith's Bible Dictionary, By William Smith (2002)
* Page 685 - Sela or Selah = Probably known as Petra..was in the midst of Mount Seir...therefore Edomite Territory.
The Universal Bible dictionary, (US LOC) Library of Congress (1912)
* Page 601 - (image 614) - Se'la = Beyond any reasonable doubt the city later known as Petra, of Edom.
New Discoveries at Sela, the Mountain Stronghold of Edom (online)
Sela (as-Sila) occupies a rocky outcrop about 200m above the surrounding wadis,
on the Edomite Plateau in the administrative district of Tafilah, in southern Jordan.
The mountain of Sela suited them well, for Sela is a small mountain with sheer rock cliffs on all sides.
Selah is located in the mountains of Jordan, south of the town of Tafila, along the King’s Highway.
The Jordan Times - Archaeologists explore history of mysterious mountain stronghold ‘Sela’ in southwest Jordan
AMMAN — Overseeing the Edom Plateau, south of Jordan, between Tafila and Busayra, stands
the Edomite-Nabataean mountain stronghold, Sela, a fortress carved into the mountain,...
DreamsTime.Com - Ancient site of Edom (Sela) in Jordan.
Ancient Origins.Net - Ancient Shards Discovered at 3000-Year-Old Nabatean Mountain Top City of Sela
A team of researchers in Amman exploring the 3000-year-old Edomite-Nabataean mountain stronghold,
Sela, located on the Edom Plateau, south of Jordan, between Tafila and Busayra have discovered Iron Age
remains which detail how the site was used and reused in ancient times.
Britannica.Com - Petra ancient city, Jordan
The Greek name Petra (“Rock”) probably replaced the biblical name Sela. Remains from the Paleolithic and
Neolithic periods have been discovered at Petra, and Edomites are known to have occupied the area about
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